Message from Michael Croft, AFSA President
Dear All,
This is an invitation reminder of:
What: The People’s Food Plan discussion forum for Canberra
When: This Friday 9th November at 7pm
Where: The Canberra Club. Molonglo Room
Why: To let us know of any errors and omissions, and to suggest changes and improvements to the plan.
This is your plan and we really do want your input. It is important because we all eat and therefore we all have a direct and personal stake in government policy that we are influencing. Over 40 such meetings have been held around Australia and all input is gratefully received by the steering committee. It is heartening to know that we are already having an impact on the National Food Plan being prepared by the Federal Government, and we seek more influence for the common good.
The People’s Food Plan is a national collaborative exercise in participatory and deliberative democracy. It seeks to provide a coherent vision, narrative and political strategy for the diverse array of individuals and organisations working for a fair, sustainable and resilient food system in Australia. In the process, the people’s Food Plan seeks to articulate and name the Australian ‘fair food movement’.
The draft discussion paper is attached. Please take the time to read it and be forthright in your comments and criticisms at the meeting (or by email if you cannot attend).
I look forward to seeing you on Friday, and please forward this email to any and all who may be interested.
Best regards,
Michael Croft
mobile 0413 387 686