Some suggestion from Rachel Cary of the Food Alliance
A brief overview
This pdf document below provides a brief overview of the background to the development of the National Food Plan and some comments on the Issues paper to inform development of a national food plan. The aim of this document is to assist you in responding to the issues paper and in on-going advocacy in relation to the development of the National Food Plan.
Download Food Alliance Document
Letter from the Food Alliance’s Rachel Carey
Dear colleagues,
Responses to the National Food Plan issues paper are due at 5pm on Friday 2 September. The issues paper is a large document (over 100 pages), and we’re aware that many public interest groups will find it difficult to respond to the paper within the short timeframe.
The Food Alliance has prepared a brief summary of the issues paper and the background to the National Food Plan to assist public interest groups in responding to the issues paper and in on-going advocacy in relation to the development of the plan.
The Food Alliance plans to co-ordinate some joint advocacy in relation to the development of the National Food Plan and would welcome the involvement of a broad range of public interest groups from multiple sectors, including food, health and the environment.
If you are interested in receiving more information about developments related to the National Food Plan or in being involved in joint advocacy with other public interest groups related to the development of the Plan, please contact myself or Kathy McConell at the Food Alliance.
Kind regards,
Rachel Carey
Dr Rachel Carey
Research Fellow, Food Alliance
Population Health SRC
Faculty of Health
Melbourne Campus at Burwood
Building F, Level 3, Office 3.20
Phone: +61 3 9244 3802
Fax: +61 3 9244 6624