An Illawarra up and coming business, Fair Food Forager has launched an innovative new smart phone application for Android and IOS users.

The release of Fair Food Forager’s mobile application in August of this year, means finding your next sustainable meal won’t be a challenge. At the press of a few buttons find cafes, restaurants, grocers and producers that are making steps to ensure their business provides ethical options for consumers. Currently the app reaches Australia and New Zealand, recently branching out into the Northern Hemisphere with ethical options in the UK.

The app, is right now being used across Australia for Fair Food Week, sharing and promoting the story of food. The app has 11 different icons that represent different areas of sustainable practice. For example; Fair Trade, Sustainable seafood, reduced food waste, reduced plastic waste, chemical free, local produce, homemade, charitable, ethical / free range, vegan and vegetarian.

The app will create a platform for you to find food that is not only great quality but the businesses listed are rated by you, meaning you can easily find the places that really deserve your money. (and won’t hurt your wallet or the environment). Visit cafés, restaurants, markets and producers that care about every part of their business, including the planet. No more will there be that overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to start or where to hunt down the most sustainable grocer. The Fair Food Forager app is your tool to make ethical choices towards food, without the added time and pressure of researching businesses yourself.

FFF is a gateway to taking the things learnt and drawn attention to during fair food week and translating that into an accessible, easy way to commit these ideas to practice. Do you want to eat more vegetarian and vegan meals? Cut down your impact on the environment in a positive way? Don’t be so daunted by the task at hand, this handy app will guide you into a holistic approach. Enjoy and experience, connect with your food and where it comes from.

Gone are the days of fast food stops on long trips. Step out of the car and avoid the build-up of rubbish and mess from eating on the go. Simply type your location into the app and scroll through the sustainable eats in the area. You never know what delicious café you might discover.

The hardest part is deciding where to eat next. Join the story,

Download the Fair Food Forager app!

App store:

Google Play:

Amy Thompson – Fair Food Forager

Published On: 20 November, 2016Categories: Fair Food Farmers United, Food Waste