The Peoples’ Food Plan — conceived to reform the federal government’s proposed National Food Plan by including Australia’s smaller-scale farmers and the myriad small business, social enterprise and community-based food initiatives that populate our commercial and civil society — was Australia’s first crowdsourced policy directions document.
The Plan continues as a manifesto of good ideas and community and smallholder needs even though the federal government has abandoned the idea of a national food plan. Within its pages are the aspirations and innovations that would make ours a fairer, more secure and resilient food system that benefits all Australians.
A theme running through the Plan is that without secure access to and control over our food, and without authentic freedom of choice when it comes to food, we lack the basis for any lasting personal, community and national development.
By putting our own people — our farmers, Australian businesses, our own communities — first when making decisions about our food future we become better able to provide fairly for our own needs and to play our role in helping feed those beyond our borders.
In a time of change such as we now find ourselves in, creating a fair food system that offers opportunity to small-to-medium farming and economic enterprises, to the people with ideas and for our citizens is a matter of personal, community, economic and national security. The Peoples’ Food Plan sets a fair and sensible course to these things… to a resilient food system. In this endeavour we invite you to join us.
Together we can built a better, more resilient food future… here’s how to join the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance.
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