A large majority of Australians — 75% – believe that the dominant share of the domestic grocery market held by Coles and Woolworths, Australia’s largest supermarkets, is excessive. The supermarket duopoly controls 70-80% of the domestic food retail market.

“These findings confirm the widespread unease amongst the Australian public at the excessive market power held by the supermarket duopoly”, said AFSA’s President and family farmer, Michael Croft.

“As the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) begins its inquiry into allegations of the bullying of producers and suppliers by the supermarket duopoly, ACCC staff and members should take note of these findings and be rigorous in their investigations.

“In this election year, all political parties now know that there is a popular mandate for decisive action to curb the excessive market power of Coles and Woolworths.”

“This is a mandate to take positive action to support local and regional food economies, such as farmers’ markets and other forms of direct farmer-consumer exchanges,” said Mr Croft.

“With our dairy industry in crisis due to the milk price war, and our fruit growers leaving tonnes of produce to rot on the ground because they are not being paid enough to harvest it, Australian farming is reaching  breaking  point”, Mr Croft said.

“New perspectives and fresh visions are urgently needed, and that is what we are offering with the People’s Food Plan. I urge politicians and candidates from all parties to study it”, Mr Croft concluded.

Continue reading Fresh Food Thinking Needed for Coles and Woolworths



Published On: 27 February, 2013Categories: Peoples' Food Plan