In October 2021 the Victorian Legislative Council tasked the Environment and Planning Committee to inquire into and report on: “the adequacy of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and Victorian planning framework in relation to planning and heritage protection”.
Particular terms of reference were outlined for the Committee to address and AFSA provides its submission in accordance with the terms of reference relevant to its members below. These include:
- The high cost of housing, including the cost of rental accommodation
- The high cost of housing, including factors encouraging housing as an investment vehicle
- The high cost of housing, including mandatory affordable housing in new housing developments
- Environmental Sustainability and vegetation protection
- Delivering certainty and fairness in planning decisions including protecting Green Wedges and the urban growth boundary
- Delivering certainty and fairness in planning decisions including community concerns about VCAT appeal processes and protecting third party appeal rights
You can read our full submission, including recommendations here.