The Peoples’ Food Plan — a powerful vision and a roadmap for a fair and prosperous food future
On World Food Day, 16 October 2013, the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA) will launch its revised Peoples’ Food Plan for Australia, based on the values of fairness, genuine sustainability, long-term prosperity, and resilience.
Commenting on the launch of the Plan, renowned food writer, Michael Pollan, said:
“”The concept and practice of Food Sovereignty is one of the most important developments to come out of the global food movement in recent years. Australia’s Peoples’ Food Plan represents a particularly well-thought-out effort to implement these ideas. The breathtakingly simple notion that a nation’s food system should be shaped democratically could not be more powerful or radical.”
One of the world’s foremost experts on food and agriculture, Australian citizen Professor Philip McMichael of Cornell University, New York State, said:
“AFSA’s programme for a People’s Food Plan underlines the urgency of shifting direction in the goals and organisation of Australia’s food system, to ensure its contribution to public and ecological health, and resilient farming. The Plan’scomprehensiveness is impressive in its practical detail regarding decentralised models already in place, and in identifying the centrality of a just and healthy food system to the well-being of all citizens, and the long-term sustainability of the land.”
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