Story by Michael Croft, March 2014

Another pleasure I had this month was to be part of a panel at the GM Free Alliance’s event in support of Steve Marsh. It was a great panel with farmers and advocates from around the country and New Zealand.

AFSA’s position on GM is consistent with that of the international food sovereignty movement as stated in one of the six pillars of food sovereignty:

[message_box type=”note” icon=”yes” close=””]One of the 6 Pillars: Builds knowledge and skills:

Technologies, such as genetic engineering, that undermine food providers’ ability to develop and pass on knowledge and skills needed for localised food systems are rejected. Instead, food sovereignty calls for appropriate research systems to support the development of agricultural knowledge and skills.

[button_link url=”” target=”” style=”” title=”” class=”” id=”” onclick=””]Read more about the 6 pillars of food sovereignty[/button_link] [/message_box]


Technologies and practices that undercut our future food producing capacities, damage the environment and put our health at risk.

These include:

  • transgenic crops and animals
  • terminator technology
  • industrial aquaculture and destructive fishing practices
  • the so-called White Revolution of industrial dairy practices
  • the so-called ‘old’ and ‘new’ Green Revolutions, and
  • the ‘Green Deserts’ of industrial bio-fuel monocultures and other plantations.

 View GM Free Alliance — Sydney Forum video

On 3rd March, 2014 a panel of speakers spoke about the urgency of banning GM food and crops and supporting family farmers. Speakers included Michael Croft, President of the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance and Mary Nenke, award-winning WA family farmer.

Support for Steve Marsh was prominent in the evening’s discussion.

Published On: 16 March, 2014Categories: NewsTags: ,