The Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA) is calling on the ...
In support of small-scale, regenerative farmers in Victoria, the following ...
The Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA) has submitted a response ...
This blog post was originally posted on AFSA President Tammi ...
Why should small-scale pastured pork and poultry farms be treated ...
Ant Wilson wrote this blogpost about the hostile planning and ...
Hear AFSA interim president Tammi Jonas talk about the inappropriateness ...
The Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA) is deeply disappointed at ...
Over 450 people gathered at Jonai Farms & Meatsmiths in the central highlands of Victoria to hear the high priest of the pasture Joel Salatin (Polyface Farm) wax evangelical about the bizarre world we live in where a local, small-scale family farm is considered ‘risky’ while big industrialised food production hidden from the public eye carries on uninhibited by a perverse regulatory system.
The world’s most innovative farmer, Joel Salatin is back in ...
Rowen Carter who runs Huon Valley Caravan Park, risks ...