Who better than someone with his own start-up agrienterprise focussing on growing and processing poultry on-farm, and who was appointed in 2012 as chief executive officer of the Southern Forests Food Council, a WA government initiative, to become the spokesperson for Fair Food Farmers’ United (FFFU)?
FFFU is the farmer node of the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA), the national food and farming educational and advocacy organisation.
Jeff’s Pow is a diverse background, spanning primary production, ecology, consulting, management and business strategy, education and research. His formal qualifications include a Master of Business Leadership from Curtin University’s Graduate School of Business, majoring in Leadership, Management and Strategy.
With his wife, Jeff is restoring the heritage-listed Southampton Homestead, a 49 hectare colonial farm near Balingup in the southwest of Western Australia.
Jeff advocates for solutions he witnessed first-hand in the USA and UK as well as those locally developed.
If you are a farmer or are involved in farm-based food production and you would like to join Fair Food Farmers’ United, check out our membership information: https://afsa.org.au/join-us/