…Churchill Fellow in urban agriculture


In 2009 the Sydney Food Fairness Alliance hosted the Hungry for Change summit in Sydney. On the final day of the summit, delegates prepared a declaration that called on the NSW Government to convene an independent Food Policy Council to develop a NSW Food Policy.

Over the last twelve months food security issues have gained more and more attention. The impact of climate change, population growth, water insecurity, mining interests, urban sprawl, and foreign ownership of Australian farms have all been in the spot light. So too, food labelling, junk food advertising, food waste, and access to healthy food for low-income households have received public attention. On the national front, the Minister for Agriculture, the Hon Tony Burke, recently announced that a re-elected Labor Government would develop a national food plan. The Sydney Food Fairness Alliance contends that a policy is also required at the state level.

To promote action in NSW, the Sydney Food Fairness Alliance is organising a presentation at NSW Parliament by David Mason, Churchill Fellow in urban agriculture. The presentation will canvass the value of forming a food policy council and developing an integrated food policy.

Members of Parliament, candidates for office, and the general public are invited to attend this presentation.

Time: 11.30am to 12.00pm
Date:  23 September 2010
Place: Theatrette, NSW Parliament, Macquarie Street, Sydney
Hosts: The Hon Phillip Costa, Geoff Corrigan MP, Dr Andew McDonald, The Hon Graham West

Please RSVP to the Sydney Food Fairness Alliance on 0410 145 473 or email info@sydneyfoodfairness.org.au

Please also consider writing to your local MP to encourage their attendance at this event.


Mark Ludbrooke
Service Development Officer
Sydney Food Fairness Alliance
Phone: 0433331158
E-mail: sdo[at]sydneyfoodfairness.org.au
Website: www.sydneyfoodfairness.org.au
Address: GPO Box 1241 Sydney NSW 2001

Published On: 27 August, 2010Categories: NewsTags: , ,