Fair Food — the documentary

Australia’s food system is broken but innovative farmers, businesses and communities are creating something better. In the absence of vision and leadership from most tiers of governments, and the corporate agri-food sector, these Fair Food pioneers are taking action themselves.

This is the theme of a new documentary film released in December 2014. Produced by the national fair food campaigning organisation, the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA), and food publishers and facilitators, the Field Institute, Fair Food documents the work of Australian farmers, social entrepreneurs and communities pioneering new approaches to food production, marketing and distribution.

[message_box type=”” icon=”” close=””] [quote author=”Dr Nick Rose” image=”https://afsa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/nick-200-1.jpg” w=”150″ h=”150″ image_align=”right”]It’s Australia’s first feature-length documentary that tells the story of our fair food pioneers, those creating a resilient and fair food and farming system…

The film features outstanding individuals like Victorian free range pig farmer Tammi Jonas, who is combining farming with direct marketing; pasture cropping and holistic land management expert Colin Seis; Ben Shewry of Attica Restaurant; ABC Gardening guru Costa Georgiadis; and Australian rugby union star and fair food advocate, David Pocock…[/quote] [/message_box]


[button_link url=” https://afsa.org.au/blog/2015/02/03/fair-food-documentary-details-for-screenings/” target=”blank” style=”” title=”” class=”” id=”” onclick=””] Details for screenings  [/button_link]


[button_link url=”https://afsa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/FAIR-FOOD-FILM-MEDIA-RELEASE-1-2.pdf” target=”blank” style=”” title=”” class=”” id=”” onclick=””] Download Fair Food documentary media release [/button_link]


Published On: 18 April, 2015Categories: Fair Food FilmTags: