Published 18 April 2013
Do Something Good invited seven of Australia’s leading thinkers, pioneers and ‘foodpreneurs’ to give five minute lightning talks presenting their ideas, projects or approaches to transforming our current food system to one that is sustainable, resilient and fair.
Former Dairy farmer and market gardener Robert Pekin, is founder of Brisbane-based Food Connect — a unique Social Business that provides local marketing & distribution solutions for Ecological Family Farmers. He has co-initiated activities to mobilise the fair food and agriculture movement through research and consultancy Enterprise ‘Think Food’, and national advocacy organisation the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA).
Robert is currently establishing Farmland Trusts and Slow Money (bringing money down to earth down under) through the Food Connect Foundation, and supporting farmers to set up the first Australian farmer member group of ‘La Via Campesina’ a global organisation representing 200 million farmers.