AFSA recently responded to the call for submissions to the ACT Capital Food and Fibre Strategy, which will “be a roadmap to delivering social, environmental and economic benefits based on secure, climate-resilient food and fibre production across in the ACT; and respond to the need to mitigate climate challenges via adaptation and diversification. It will explore pathways to increased local food security and build collaborative networks of those involved in different aspects of agriculture production, research and innovation.”
We agree with the Strategy paper’s overall vision in line with food sovereignty ethics, that would see:
- The ACT and Region’s food and fibre production systems are innovative, sustainable diverse and resilient in a changing climate.
- Farming systems improve biodiversity conservation and maintain ecological health.
- The ACT and Region’s community has improved access to local, healthy food produced by regional farmers, community groups or individuals and its members are more engaged and included in food and fibre production.
- ACT food and fibre farming and manufacturing enterprises are thriving, provide increased employment for the region and are strongly supported by Canberrans.
AFSA applauds the Government’s process in developing this Strategy paper with a view to ensuring the future sustainability and viability of the Capital Food and Fibre community. You can read our full submission here.