This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA) will be convened at 2:00pm on Sunday the 23rd of October in Melbourne and via Skype. This year’s meeting will take place during the Fair Food Convergence at CERES Community Environmental Park, Cnr Roberts & Stewart Sts, Brunswick East, Victoria.

You are also warmly invited to attend the Fair Food Convergence on Saturday the 22nd and Sunday the 23rd of October, inclusive of the AGM at 2pm on Sunday. While we welcome all those attending the Convergence to attend the AGM, please note that only financial AFSA members can vote at the AGM. If you are not already a financial member, details for joining are here:

If you are unsure whether your membership is current, please contact our intern Courtney Young on

The Convergence includes a special event with Rob Wallace on the evening of Friday 21 October – an opportunity to hear Rob talk about the subject of his groundbreaking new book Big Farms Make Big Flu. Tickets range from $12-$23, with a 10% discount for AFSA members (the discount code was shared in an earlier email to current members only).


WHEN: Sunday 23 October 2016
TIME: 2:00 – 3:30pm

WHERE: Room 1, CERES Community Environment Park, Cnr Roberts & Stewart Sts, Brunswick East, Victoria

The AGM is free to attend.

If you cannot physically attend, please join us via Skype – send your Skype username to no later than Friday, 21 October 2016. Please note that given the vagaries of this technology we cannot guarantee this option will be a viable means of participation, but we will do our best to make it work!

There will be informal drinks at a venue TBC nearby after the AGM.

Call for Nominations for 2017 AFSA National Committee

The AGM will involve the election of the office bearers and general members of the National Committee. If you are interested in nominating for one of these positions please email a short bio to us expressing your interest at:


Read descriptions of the roles of office bearers of the National Committee.

Please note that nominations for positions to the new National Committee must be endorsed by two members of AFSA. Please contact AFSA Secretary Jo Hall ( if you do not already know two AFSA members to endorse your nomination.

Nominations must be received at least 7 days before the AGM. The deadline for nominations is 2:00pm Sunday, 16 October 2016.

Details of the individuals who have nominated for the new National Committee will be made available on our website:

Eligibility for voting at the AGM

All full financial members of AFSA (as per Part 1.2 of the Model Rules are eligible to vote at the AGM. See AFSA Model Rules

Proxies may be given for votes at the AGM. A financial member may hold up to 5 proxies. Proxies must be received by the Secretary in writing at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting – proxy formto:

AGM Agenda

  1. Confirm minutes from previous AGM [Attached: AFSA AGM 18 October 2015 Minutes]
  1. President’s report
  1. Other office bearer reports
  1. Financial report
  1. Membership report
  1. Budget
  1. Adoption of new constitution [Attached: draft]
  1. Adoption of Terms of Reference for Legal Defence Fund Steering Committee[Attached: draft]
  1. Elect returning officer
  1. Election of office bearers [Attached: position descriptions]
    1. President
    2. Vice president
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. 4 x ordinary members
  1. Fair Food Farmers United (FFFU) meeting
    1. Elect FFFU Chair
  1. 2017 Priorities and Campaigns Discussion
  1. Other business arising

Fair Food Convergence 21-23 October

Attendance at the Fair Food Convergence is $60-$110 per day (Saturday and Sunday) and includes lunch and morning tea. Saturday lunch will be a #youcantbuywhatieat potluck of delicious homegrown, home-killed, home-cured and homemade produce contributed by members! Get your tickets here.

The Fair Food Convergence will once again run in the style of an unconference, somewhat like the galvanising EcoCity Food Forum held in Melbourne in early 2013, which was based on Open Space Technologies. In that spirit, we’re inviting everyone to contribute to a broad conversation affecting all stakeholders in a fair food system: farmers, makers, connectors, chefs, community gardeners, hunger activists, consumer advocates, GMO campaigners, academics, policymakers… Check out the Fair Food Convergence Facebook page for updates and discussions in advance of Convergence!

There will also be a Fair Food Feast at Feast of Merit on Saturday night. Get your tickets here

We look forward to an exciting weekend of working together for a fair food future for Australia!

Warm regards,

Tammi Jonas

on behalf of the 2016 National Committee

Published On: 11 October, 2016Categories: GovernanceTags: , , ,