Fair Food Week 2014ONE OF OUR THEMES FOR FAIR FOOD WEEK this year will be — Supporting your local community fair food projects and groups — organise a fundraiser for a group that missed out on the Community Food Fund grants or other food project or group you’d like to support.

In February, the Federal Government axed the $1.5 mn Community Food Fund that was part of the National Food Plan.

364 groups around Australia applied for grants under this fund.

If you are from one of those groups, or you know of someone who applied, please let us know.

We want to profile and support you as part of Fair Food Week 2014.

[button_link url=”mailto:admin@afsa.org.au” target=”” style=”” title=”” class=”” id=”” onclick=””]Email and let us know if you missed out on the Community Food Fund grants[/button_link]


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Theme 2: Support your local community fair food projects and groups

Organise a fundraiser for a group that missed out on the Community Food Grants or other food project or group you’d like to support

Where government fails, communities can succeed.

That’s the potential Fair Food Week 2014 offers event organisers across the country. Fair Food Week celebrates community self-help food initiatives such as:

  • food co-operatives
  • community supported agriculture
  • food rescue
  • farmers’ markets and the rest.

Fair Food Week 2014 is the opportunity to raise funds for community food initiatives denied promised funding when the federal government cancelled the Community Food Grants scheme.




Published On: 1 June, 2014Categories: Fair Food WeekTags: , ,